You've Been Gone Awhile, Momma Bee!

Hey Y'all, Happy New Year!

Now I know i fell off on my blogging but, this year I'll be getting right back to it. I'm also looking forward to adding more to my blog. Expanding it if you will. I'd like to add some of my favorite baking recipes as well as my upcoming travels.
 Enough of whats to come..lets talk about where I've been!


I woke up January 1st feeling so horrible. Literally sick to my stomach. However that's to be expected after bringing in the new year with your girls.. right? Only, two days later i was still sick. Now don't get me wrong i definitely did drink a lot lol. I prefer tequila, and that's exactly what i had. Don Julio. 

I've never gotten sick before, not with tequila at least. It did raise a flag but i still didn't pay it any mind. I mean we enjoyed ourselves very much that night so i wasn't expecting anything other than a hangover okay lets just be clear! As I was bed ridden my girls face timed me just checking in. But i literally just couldn't even bare to be on the phone. Vomit just kept flowing out, like a faucet that was left on.

At some point my mom decided to chime in saying "That's not tequila Bianca, that's a baby!"
*Rolls Eyes* Do you think i wanted to hear that ? ABSOLUTELY NOT! 
I had just got back to my pre Liam weight. Which i so desperately died for. Momma was really starting to get her groove back. I was feeling so content with my weight, my skin, my hair, everything! I was literally getting my glow back. For so long i let being a mom cloud my head. Not in a bad way. I just never cared for how I looked when i went outside. as long as my kid was dressed up to par i didn't matter. 

Finally, my mom ended up getting me a pregnancy test. Since I was in denial i really didn't want to take it. One of my best friends birthday was that coming Saturday. I wanted to go out, have fun and help make her birthday unforgettable. It definitely was unforgettable. I never made it out that Saturday January 5th. I in fact took the test the day before because i just wanted to get it out the way. Like i said it was expected to be positive. 


I was so emotional. I didn't know how to feel. It was a bittersweet feeling. This was my rainbow baby. I had a miscarriage back in 2016. I was so depressed I got on birth control. The IUD (mirena) to be exact. It gave me so many problems, I hated it. It was the worst thing! Eventually i took it out. I was careful. Or so I thought. Lol. 

January started with a bang huh?! I went to the doctor that following Monday. When I went for the dating sonogram i was so anxious. The technician proceeded to let me know i was already 3 months. 


Yea y'all , I'm so serious. 3 freaking months! So I guess my mom was right about me not being sick from the tequila. Who would've guessed? CLEARLY not me! Lol. Two months later I found out I was indeed having a princess. Now this was another thing I had to accept. I have always wanted all boys, this was going to be so different. Like I said this was my rainbow baby, a blessing in itself so of course i accepted it. Not like I could've changed anything right lol. My due date was August 9th. Like my first kid, the second one didn't come on time either. She decided she didn't want to be a Leo. She waited until Virgo season rolled in to make her entrance. On August 29th my sugar mamas was born, the biggest, best, and most beautiful surprise of the year.


If you were wondering where I've been. I've been busy trying to get the hang of being a mom of 2. I now have a 4 year old as well as a 4 month old. Not as easy as it looks, but definitely not as hard as I thought. Since I've become a pro at it i will be getting back to ME! 

Happy Reading!


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